Thursday, January 21, 2010

Contest at "All Things Urban Fantasy"

Hey Ladies and Gents just got a hold of a new contest going on over at "All Things Urban Fantasy". All 4 Mercy Thompson books by Patricia Briggs are up for grabs (+ all 3 Alpha & Omega books by Patricia Briggs if she passes 400 followers before the giveaway ends). This is a series I've heard about and would loooooove to own. If you haven't heard about em' Abigail has reviewed the books and you can access them even on her contest page. Definetly go check out her contest and her blog here. Oh and contest ends February 28th.


  1. Thanks for the link. And your blog is so cute!

  2. WhOoO hOoOOO!!!

    All Things Urban Fantasy is a great site!!=)


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